Ryan Linyx's


Learning Reflections (V)

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Learning reflection and notes of "The Politics of Education and Technology: Conflicts, Controversies, and Connections"

As I remember, when I saw the term 'politics,' and I knew I wouldn't like it. I ask my friend, Lesly, why should I care about politics in educational technology; she said, "maybe you don't get use to look education as a big picture. When I studied history in the university, I need to look everything as a whole. When we talk about education, it is not just about language teaching and learning. If we don't look at politics, who else will invest more money or provide equipment in the education?"

Politics in education
at 'macro' level of the society: global economics, global educational policies, labor markets, and political and cultural institutions

at 'micro' level of the individual: individual or groups use formal and informal power (negotiating and mediating) to achieve their goals (to maintain educational resources or power).

When we apply technology in the education, we need to think who will benefit from this and who won't. How can we do to make education fairer? Researchers use political economy approach to understanding technology-based education. In addition, focusing on the current problem rather than building a perfect technology-based classroom is more helpful to reduce inequalities.

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