Ryan Linyx's


Learning Reflection (III)

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Learning reflections and notes of 'what do we mean by education and technology'

What is education?

When I hear the term 'education,' I would probably say, "educators deliver their knowledge and students acquire new skills, knowledge from the educators." After reading the first chapter, I realise the before we talk about 'education,' we need to define 'learning' first. Therefore, learning and education cannot be discussed separately. Learning can be defined as a process of an individual's acquisition of new skills, or else new forms of knowledge and understanding. Moreover, Bloom's taxonomy which I have learnt from the pre-sessional is also one of the learning processes - that is, from the bottom 'remembering' to the top 'creating.' On the other hand, Bloom's Taxonomy can be categorised in three parts: (1) Cognitive domain (intellectual capability, ie., knowledge, or 'think'); (2) Affective domain (feelings, emotions and behaviour, ie., attitude, or 'feel'); (3) Psychomotor domain (manual and physical skills, ie., skills, or 'do'). Also, some researchers regard learning as a product.

As for education, I would think about schooling for the first expression. What we understand education is related to Roger's 'learning-conscious' or 'formalised'descriptions of learning - that is, learning is structured and often assessed and credentialised (Selwyn 2011, p 5). Simply to say, education can be divided into 'formal education' and 'informal education.'

The term 'formal education' includes:
(1) classroom-based learning, including distance education
(2) adult education institutions
(3) work-based training (adult formal education)
in other words, it is not only the schooling but also life-course

The term 'informal education' (Roger's notion of task-conscious) includes:
(1) not classroom-based
(2) work-based 'learning on the jobs'
(3) learning by interests, pursuits and hobbies outside of the workplace

Related info: according to the reading "Young people, new technologies and learning at home: taking context seriously," if you regard learning in the home as 'informal learning,' separating it from 'formal learning' (educational institution based), this simple distinction is misleading. The researchers argue that there are elements of 'informality' that can be occured inside the classroom just as there are strong elements of 'formality' that can occur in the home (Furlong, J. & Davies, C. 2012, p 52).

What is technology?

My first expressions of technology are 'electronic,' 'artificial' and 'hi-tech;' the purpose of it could be 'make people's life better.'

Different point of views:
(1) Volti (1992), technologies are developed and applied so that we can do things not otherwise possible, or so that we can do them cheaper, faster and easier.

(2) Nye suggests technologies are not just used to sustain forms of life but also to enhance  and improve existing forms of living. (Selwyn 2012, p. 7)

(3) Based on the origins of the word 'technology' in an ancient Greek 'technologia,' the Greek suffix '-logia' can be translated as the understanding of something, or as a branch of knowledge.

(4) Albert Teich (1997) indicates technology is more than just machines. Technology has referred to the processes and practices of doing things, understanding things and developing knowledge.

Overall, technology is not just tools that people use to do things better; most importantly, how people use them to achieve what they want and to achieve their goals.
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